David Kuntz became the 6th Chair of the Board of the Maryland/Israel Development Center (MIDC) succeeding Alvin Katz. In a recent interview David shared his excitement working with MIDC’s newly appointed Executive Director David Speer and continuing to grow the 30-year-old organization.
David Kuntz is a native Baltimorean who grew up in a family that placed serving the community a top priority. David graduated from Franklin & Marshall College and earned a JD from the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. Until the recent sale, David was the President of American Office, a family-owned regional office furniture business that opened in Baltimore in 1932. David also serves as a Board member with Baltimore Business Volunteers, a Trustee for the Institute of Islamic, Christian and Jewish Studies, and an Emeritus Board member of Sinai Hospital of Baltimore.
David spoke candidly about his goals for the MIDC. “I think my business and community experiences, as well as the MIDC’s mission to promote business and economy in both Maryland and Israel, will serve the organization well. The MIDC has a solid reputation of building business bridges these past 30 years and it is my hope that we can connect with more Israeli businesses, create new collaborations, and promote a supportive and energized environment to be in Maryland. Maryland and Israel are natural partners in innovation in many sectors including defense, medical devise, biotech, pharma, homeland security, hi-tech and more.”
David said he will be vested in growing and expanding MIDC’s volunteer and membership base to encourage business leaders in Maryland to mentor Israeli companies, especially newer startup companies so their coming to Maryland will ensure a “soft landing”. David explained that when an Israeli company brings its technology to Maryland, sets up offices in Maryland, hires Marylanders, all this benefits both Maryland and Israel economically and technologically. Furthermore, he hopes to expand on the successes of MarketReach America, a comprehensive training program for young Israeli companies that takes place in both Israel and in Baltimore. “I am excited revive the program with “hands on” training for startup Israeli companies giving them the tools and resources to increase their chances of success in the U.S. That’s where the MIDC shines.”
David recognized the past Chairs of the MIDC for their continued support and leadership. He congratulated Alvin Katz on his outstanding tenure as Chair whose vision helped the MIDC redirect its energies and pivot to online zoom business and technology webinars during the pandemic. David also looks forward to working with MIDC founders: The Associated Jewish Federation of Baltimore, the Maryland Department of Commerce and Israel’s Ministry of Economy and Industry.
David Kuntz and David Speer, MIDC’s new leadership team, care deeply about Israel as well as helping the Maryland economy grow through jobs created by Israeli companies.