featured from right to left: David Kuntz, Chair of the Board, MIDC, Kevin A. Anderson, Secretary, Maryland Department of Commerce, The Honorable Michael Herzog, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, William P. Doyle, former Executive Director, Maryland Port Administration, Signe Pringle, Deputy Secretary, Maryland Department of Commerce and David Speer, Executive Director, MIDC
For over 30 years, the Maryland/Israel Development Center (MIDC) has promoted business, technology, research, innovation, and partnerships with Israel. As an agency of The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore, and in partnership with the State of Israel’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and the State of Maryland Dept of Commerce, the MIDC is proud to foster connections between Marylanders and Israelis.
In May, the Maryland/Israel Development Center, the Baltimore Jewish Council, and The Associated hosted “Baltimore Celebrates Israel: 75 Years of Technology and Innovation” in May at the Baltimore Museum of Industry. Twelve Israeli companies in Maryland showcased their technologies with live presentations from ELTA North America, Rafael USA and Right-Hear. We all joined together to recognize the “Start-up Nation’s” innovations, how Israeli technology has changed the world, and the strong connection between Israel, Baltimore, and the State of Maryland. The Embassy of Israel and United Airlines partnered with us. Beth H. Goldsmith, Immediate Past Chair of the Associated, moderated the evening. Speakers included Senator Ben Cardin, Maryland Comptroller Brooke Lierman, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Noach Hacker, Minister of Economic Affairs, Israeli Embassy to the United States, and two fellows from the Elijah Cummings Youth Program in Israel.
United Airlines donated two round trip premium economy tickets (DC to Tel Aviv) to two lucky winners. United flies 3x a week to Israel from Dulles to Tel Aviv helping our region promote business and trade with Israel. View the photos from the 75th Celebration.
Maryland is now home to 4 Israeli agricultural technology companies. RightHear, an Israeli company with an audible wayfinding solution for the blind, recently opened its US headquarters in Maryland. NAYAX, a global financial technology company in Baltimore County, is now trading on both the NASDAQ and Tel Aviv Stock exchange.
In March, the MIDC arranged for Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, Michael Herzog, to meet with Maryland’s Secretary of Commerce, Kevin Anderson, and Baltimore business leaders to discuss further collaborations. The Maryland Port Administration also joined for a productive discussion on growing the partnership with the MIDC.
In early 2024, the MIDC plans to re-launch its Binational Accelerator program. 10-15 Israeli companies will come to Maryland for a two-week customer discovery program with the goal of creating a pipeline of Israeli companies coming to Maryland.
The MIDC has been a champion partner promoting Maryland-Israel bilateral trade and economic development to creating jobs in Maryland and promote our community’s role in the vitality of the State of Maryland.
David Kuntz, Chair of the Board, Maryland/Israel Development Center

75th Anniversary Celebration at the Baltimore Museum of Industry